
Beer Engines and Bag in a Box

Bottling home brew is, if you’re making any kind of volume, a lengthy and tedious process. Based purely on the volume of posts on home brew groups on Facebook, I would guess that the most popular alternative way of storing and dispensing home brew has probably got to be the corny keg. There’s way less cleaning and sanitising involved and they are much quicker to fill. Indeed, commercial craft beer generally tends to be served from the keg. I personally prefer cask beer and so I was super excited to see a post a while back where a chap had hooked up a beer engine to something I had never really heard of – bag in a box – to produce what looked very similar to a pint of delicious cask ale.

Brew Day

Oatmeal Stout

Break Stuff

This post wasn’t meant to be about oatmeal stout, it was meant to be about making the Landlord clone, Grenadier. Unfortunately, however, that brew was afflicted by the same issue as the last batch of La Marmotte d’Or so there’s no post about either brew! Pouring away two batches of 35 litres of beer is pretty heart breaking. Annoyingly the Marmotte d’Or was the first brew I had made to go through the beer engine (did I not mention that I’d invested in a beer engine?), and whilst it looked amazing it tasted revolting. I’d originally thought it was caused by an issue with the tap on the fermenter, but as I changed that for the Grenadier I am more inclined to believe it was sanitiser related.